Entries in annual burning (2)


Evaluating sixteen years of restoration in prairie

Long-term studies can track changes over time, and provide examples of expected community trajectory under similar restoration activities. In this study, authors focused on tallgrass prairie remnant at the University of Michigan Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor. 

After 16 years of research comparing prescribed fire treatments (annual fires and fires every three years), the authors did not observe changes in dominance or richness related to differences in fire frequency. 

For a summary of the study's results and implications for management, you can view or download a PDF version of "Evaluating sixteen years of restoration in prairie."


This research brief for research managers summarizes the following peer-reviewed publication:

Heslinga, Justin L., Robert E. Grese. 2010. Assessing plant community changes over sixteen years of restoration in a remnant Michigan tallgrass prairie. American Midland Naturalist 164:322-336.



Response of tallgrass prairie to fire frequency

This brief summarizes results from a study that was focused on eastern tallgrass prairie sites and examines how fire frequency influences the plant community. To investigate how fire frequency affects eastern tallgrass prairie, sites surveyed in 1976 were revisited in 2001 (25 years later). Sites ranged from those rarely (or never) burned to some which had been burned almost annually.

For a summary of the study's results and implications for management, you can download a PDF version of the research brief here.

The original paper is:

Marlin L. Bowles and Michael D. Jones. 2013. Repeated burning of eastern tallgrass prairie increases richness and diversity, stabilizing successional vegetation. Ecological Applications 23:464-478.