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Oak Savanna Restoration: Which bird species increase with changes?

These two studies examined how bird communities respond to restoration of oak barrens and savannas. In both cases bird communities were not the focus of restoration efforts, but did respond to the altered vegetation.

For a summary of the study's results and implications for management, you can download a PDF version of the research brief: "Can oak savanna restorations for other species benefit bird communities?"

Management Implications

  • Using prescribed fire to restore oak savannas and barrens also maintains habitat for birds, like the Red-headed Woodpecker, that are species of concern
  • Management activities focused on Karner blue butterflies can also benefit avian species of concern
  • Small restored patches can benefit bird communities, especially when located close to existing oak savanna and barren patches

This research brief for resource managers reviews the following peer-reviewed publications :

Jeffrey D. Brawn. 2006. Effects of restoring oak savannas on bird communities and populations. Conservation Biology 20:460-469. 

Eric M. Wood, Anna M. Pidgeon, Claudio Grattion, Timothy T. Wilder. 2011. Effects of oak barrens habitat management for Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides samuelis) on the avian community. Biological Conservation 144:3117-3126. 

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